Hook Norton Farriers is based in the Cotswolds and run by approved training farrier Andy Martin

Andy Martin and his team have been providing equine hoof care to customers’ horses throughout Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas for over 25 years.

This is very much a family run business offering a professional, friendly, reliable service and free no obligation advice in respect of any shoeing.
Care and attention is given to each individual horse’s specific needs. Every horse is different so we shoe each one based on individual requirements.
We will work alongside your vet or farrier for those horses requiring remedial shoeing to help achieve the best outcome for your horse.

Andy and his team are always up to date with the latest shoeing techniques by attending lectures and following any
new developments that occur.

Mobile farriers

Remedial shoeing

On-site facilities

Copper coated nails

if you are looking for a professional farrier service in Chipping Norton or throughout Oxfordshire,
call Andy Martin AWCF today,
on 07801 567 586